Sunday, September 11, 2005


You keep hidden inside your closet
all that you fear to
cast your eyes upon

For you shiver
at the nakedness
of my withered soul

Reminding you only too well
of unearthly cries
and savage drops of red

Of starless nights
when the wind failed to stir
and children hid under beds

Of when you left me
in the guilty hands
of lust-ridden demons


diana christine said...

oh, i love, love, love this! it would be easy to say "keep hidden in your closet all that you fear others to cast their eyes upon" but you go deeper and show us we keep hidden what we fear for our own selves to see.
your description makes me feel deeply the atmosphere you create.
i love this!
oh...and i love what you have written in the "about me" profile...

cargwaps said...

thank you for your comment! i'm touched. *blush blush* i hope you'll visit again!

i love your site! expect a new stalker prowling your blog. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Of when you left me
in the guilty hands
of lust-ridden demons

damn good one. you left this one open-ended just enough to let me swallow and open my own closet.

cargwaps said...

wow! a comment like that is more than enough to make my day, blue rogue. thank you thank you thank you! ^__^