Sunday, February 12, 2006

humor me

i make sure to check my messages alone
preparing myself for an onslaught
of updates on the rules of a god
you both failed to abide by.

in the anticipation, i feel a familiar ache.
i escape into darkness as i wait for what is already before me,
closing my eyes, leaning back, massaging my temples
to ease a migraine eighteen years in the making.

and when realisation creates an itch to deep to scratch,
scanning the contents, i feel myself tremble.
tremble with the irony of what we’ve become.
tremble with the mirth of your hypocrisy.

and when i can control it no more, i release
the laughter that can no longer be contained.
I laugh so hard that tears run down.
I laugh so hard that tears run down in torrents.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

hey! these poems are flipping good. more, more, more!!!!

Lothario Art said...

A sense of emotional irony -- to want and to suppress a need


Anonymous said...

This is good. I always check your website and I love reading it.

Tita Tetel