Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A friend asked me what drives me to write. It took me a long time to answer. And the reply I eventually rendered was hazy and generic. Thinking about it now, however, I don't think there is a particular reason that causes my writing.

Sometimes, while sitting in a cafeteria, I grab a pen and jot down words without a single thought as to their meaning. Most of the posts I have in this blog have been caused by an empty piece of paper, a blank screen and a rather tired mind. I don't think much about what I write. I just write. I don't think that's what the really great writers do. I don't think that's what any truly serious writer would do.

But then again, I'm not really a writer. I am a soul overflowing with words unknown to me and to quench the brimming emotions within me, I must write, I must sing, and dance without stopping to think about the reasons for my actions. What drives me to write is what drives me to live: an eternal force of purpose for my being. I don't think I really have to worry about why I do the things I do, about why words come out of me without my knowing their source because I am already answered for. I am in the hands of a God of Wisdom and Truth.



you don't have to have a reason for wanting to write...you don't have to think damn hard about what you want to write. it think that's the best motivation for writing...

for an 18 year-old, you're pretty mature; something i wasn't back when i was 18. keep it up.

cargwaps said...

Thank you for that hunter. ^_^ i don't think at all about what i want to write. hehe. but each time i do, i get this ache. it's as if i'm supposed to be writing something but i just haven't yet. =1

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blogs because they are very unique and the words are just simply put together in a beautiful piece of art. After I read that entry, I began to ask myself what motivates me to write. There are days that I feel I don't want to write or I have a craving to write or I simply have a force inside of me that is telling me I need to write. I think writing is just a way for me to express all the many things going on in my mind that I have to get out or else I may explode. Writing helps me clear my mind, and I like to do it on a daily basis because it is like the fruits that keep me healthy and strong. Like parents always teach their children, "Five fruits a day makes the doctors go away." I feel that if I didn't write, I wouldn't be healthy and ready to tackle the next day. I am concluding that my mind needs daily reflections to grow.

Anonymous said...

hi emem! thank you for posting a comment on my blog. ^__^ writing also helps me the way it does you. i unload my emotional packages into every piece that i write. sometimes, though, i just really write for the fun of it. keep on writing em!